This is the first public beta release for Insectoid Descent.
-New years update changelog-
-Added 360° aiming -Added velocity and penetration for rifle
-Added lighting effects on various objects -Added animation for turret health regenerator -Added death animation for turret
-Fixed gamebreaking bugs with the rifle -Updated bullet textures
-Increased movement speed of turret -Added collectable scrap
-Added bullet casings effect -Updated texture on ammo gui
-Updated wall destruction damage -Made HD .exe icon
-Added collectible scrap on the ground (vehicle salvaging coming soon)
-Shop menu created

The game and all sound and .png + .pyxel files are included with the download. This is the initial release of many to come. The next update will include more lighting detail, scrap refining for ammo and health, turret accessories and hopefully vehicle scrapping and another enemy type.
About the beta: The game is still in an early state, you can find video right here if you want to see footage from new years.