2 years ago

Introducing the five nights at f***boy's winter wonderjam

the five nights at f***boy's winter winterjam

where a group of individuals join together to make there own winter themed fnafb game

and see who will win

there will be a prize if your game wins this gamejam

for details about the contest join the main fnafb gj discord server as we are hosting it in there:




Next up

FNAFBTALE - Final Conclusion Update :

- Second Phase for the freddy fight has been finished

- Hard Mode has been added

- Freddy Scenario (AKA mirrored fight/vs Balloon Boy) has also been included, it can be only unlocked after beating hard mode

it's not over yet..

sktcaeu patch note 1.1.0:

Happy 10th Anniversary #trtf!

Enjoy the demo to The Return to F***ing Freddy's!

what the actual community project is (GE REGILDED)

to keep it short:

hey it's been a while been working on my next project in the background but i also noticed there were some problematic bugs and balance issues which is what this patch is made for so by now the new download package should have fixed the bugs


F***Boy's Wild West - REDUX UPDATE

BIGGER, BADDER, and, Wilder ?

after some time I decided to update the game with not only bug fixes and balance changes but also additional new content

The Following Update Contains:

Welcome fnafb bears and fnafb chickens i have come to say that today is 10 years since fnafb release so happy fucking anniversary! Thanks for sticking by.

It's Here!, Springtrap Kills The CAE Universe Has Been Released