I decided to stop making Daily updates because It’s really hard to find any interesting content to put up every day.
Instead I will be doing updates every week, then I can be absolutely sure that I have some interesting content to show off.
Inventory & Items
I have been working on inventory & items for a few days now.
Every item can have unique effects and it doesn’t depend on what the item is, you can have 2 wooden swords and one of them will make the enemy burn and the other one will freeze the enemy.

“Sub-mouse” based navigation
2Volution is a 2 players game but also has a lot of different features so I needed to think of a way for players to be able to easily interact with the UI. I came up with ‘sub-mouse’ system where both players have their cursor thingy which they move around with the same keys they move the player with.
When the movement is done right with “clamping” to slots and tweening properly it feels really easy to move around in the interface.

New Website
I have been working on a website, It’s still work in progress.
You can check the progress here
Press ‘Visitor Acess” , then enter the random word required to preview it.