A Needlessly Hard Game
3 years ago

Just letting you guys know, if any of you report a “bug” that involves some jump or task being “impossible”, I’m going to ignore it. I’ve tested every single part of this game (not in a row mind you lol), and all of it is possible. Just really hard.



Next up

Trophies are now implemented :)

The AI in the next and probably final major patch for the demo/chapter 1 will feature A LOT of AI adjustments. Here's a peek at just one of the many new changes to the AI's behavior!

Added proper window jumping and swearing when the Neighbor is in hunt mode

The Neighbor will be able to use the unused flour piles as a trap in the final update for chapter 1/the demo

WIP title screen "play" animation

Just a regular development screenshot. Nothing to see here.

Patch Notes:

- Added pre-alpha/alpha 1 accurate item bobbing

- Fixed various inventory bugs for the player character

- Added base materials for easier material creation

Added an actual shadow for the player. Now you won't be just an invisible ghost messing with Ted Peterson.

From the final update for chapter 1 (the demo) onwards, you will have a built-in flashlight at all times that you can turn on with the F key. However, it has a limited charge. Use batteries strewn around the map to recharge the flashlight.