+Heavy Machine Gun Emplacement
+New Lab Interior
+Bigger Play Area / Increased Map Size
+More Lighting
Our public community discord is beta testing these versions of Insectoid. If you want to play and bug test join our discord [ https://discord.gg/vJbUUxH ]
Update going public here on Gamejolt around 3 weeks from now
Plans? New bloater enemy will release maggot swarm upon death. Certain explosions and environmental damage effects. Plasma weapons are also in the works. Possibly 3 new enemy types in the next update.
Game issue: The Spawn Rate of basic Insectoids becomes multiplied in an game-breaking way. This issue is being resolved and the next update will NOT crash due to over-population of Insectoids. There will be configuration option to limit the number of enemies on the map. This will allow much better performance for computer and fix lag.