Muppy Muddington Tale
2 years ago

Mini update: the progress is going VERY smoothly for once, the loss of files turned out to be a blessing in disguise, the story actually has some level of structure now, major plot holes were filled and a very boring section of the story is now kinda ok!

Granted, it's still very early, seeing as pretty much everything that wasn't public was lost but seeing as I had the story semi-written before I managed to rewrite the chapters in less then a quarter of the time it would have taken me before, and now I'm adding things I didn't even think of before when writing the early chapters. The early were really bland before, focusing only on Muppy, and a few of Dark's actions in like maybe 5 or 6 pages worth of content before the story very quickly expanded. That being said I'm not very good at art(although my siblings are, but they are usually very busy) so I'll probably end up posting the raw scripts when I'm finished and then do the art/storyboards later(or possibly make it a game or animation still depending on if I can save up enough budget to hire some help)



Next up

Finally re-did the designs for the main trio in my new style.

I might give Lilly her own spinoff as I continue with making Muppy Tales she's quickly turning out to be such a banger character. It's crazy to me now that in the pre-rewrite of the story she only was planned to be on screen for less than 30 seconds total

Merry Christler! And a Happy Mew Years!

I'm going to try to get a new demo out soon, the prologue is roughly %75 complete, it's technically beatable other than boss fights, bonus levels, the sub area, and some cutscenes, it really needs some major touch ups though(especially Heatway Desert).

Since Mickey Mouse became public domain earlier this year, I wanted to try and draw my own version!

Still tryna figure out GMS2's sequence editor. Doing a quick test animation to get a feel for Monotious' more complicated movement. I also included some other random extra stuff at the end. Not as good as I would have hoped, but I'm still learning so eh

Haven't finished Muppy's redesign, but I did get around to animating the new redesigned Lilly some.

Progress is going smoothly once again, my attempts at animating the cutscenes are still...not good, but I am learning.

Sonknik Hegeogg

Gave him a striped shirt and some spikier hair.