Hi guys!
I'm currently concentrating, first and foremost, on newcomer models for fighters, and then any edits needed to veteran models will come. I will also be adding new assist and enemy characters as well. So in the next month or so I'll be super busy with that.
Next up, I think I finally figured out how to fix ACMD timing issues once and for ALL. I will use my scripts to create, FROM CODE, Animation Events with Object ref parameters (that will contain needed data and hitbox/other params) that will be pasted on the animations as they are playing/loaded. I know I didn't want to use the events, but it's otherwise next to impossible to time stuff right because the engine/player/etc. frame rate always gets in the way and messes with my timing because of how it varies.
Also, I've found this REALLY cool soundbank for my MIDI compositions. Yes, I'm a MIDI user and creator haha. But this bank makes my compositions sound way better, and I'll be using it to convert completed original and remixed tracks!
As an extra bit of info (my Twitter followers may know already, but whatever): One boss OR two from Super Smash Bros. UItimate may have been upgraded to playable fighters...... I won't say what, who, when, whatever they are!~ ;) It's a surprise!
I'll see ya all around, take care!