FNaF World XL
6 years ago

More Reset Build Patch 1 news

I’ll keep it short, since there’s not much to add from the other day.

Most notable thing is that unless something goes wrong between now and then, I intend to get the patch out tomorrow! Or if things go really well, maybe even later today. Dunno right now. Depends on how rough modelling and rigging some of these things get.

So as of right now, all 8 starter party characters can level up, and I hopefully ironed out any issues it had with value transfers. I’ve also added the first of many returning enemies from the original game! (If you follow me on DA, you probably already know who it is.)
For this build, however, the zones won’t have any specific enemy types. It’ll all be the same set across the entire woods.

And that’s about it for news on current fixes and additions. Right now the focus will be on adding a few more enemy types, setting up an new overworld sprite for enemies, and getting one of the two NPCs’ shops up and running. (Because otherwise there’s not much to do with all these tokens you can get.) And of course getting a functional build ready for you all to play with!

‘Till next time!

Extra note (1/26/19)- It should be ready later today. Aside from setting up a few “qauilty of life” things, I’m trying to get the first set of bytes working. If anything is likely to be not working by then, it’ll probably be this. (At least it isn’t gonna be needed too much for this particular build.)

1 comment


Next up

Can't wait to meet you!

Motivation has returned in a substantial enough way.

No poll for today, though I figured a sneek peek at the next update's changelog is warranted.

How about we change things up?

Not quite the fix I've been talking about for the past few weeks, but it's at least progress.

That doesn't look safe...

Huh, that's different.

Well I've had a VERY productive night.

Version 1.2.0 is here!

Suppose it was about time that some of these skills got a little extra kick.