No devlog this week, I've been on a bit of a break since the demo release.
So here's a reminder that the new Zordak demo is out!
Next up
Devlog - 88
New custom particle system with misc effects. (ignore the screen shake on hitting every enemy, it's a bug)
Devlog - 90
Finally done with the particle stuff.
(particle stress testing, didn't know what else to show)
Devlog - 89
More particle improvements.
(should probably reduce particle count for these effects)
Devlog - 87
Trying to showcase the new cold screen effect with limited success.
Devlog - 85
GMS2 port is pretty much finished, new demo testing will commence soon. (huge devlog, wall of text incoming)
(old gif this time, way too sleepy to make a new one, sorry)
Devlog - 83
Finished another area, not much left now.