Five Nights at F***boy's: Plushtrap's Misadventure

6 months ago

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 3

Greetings, and welcome back to another devlog.

Great progress has been made this week, and the section that i have internally called act 1 is almost fully completed, which is amazing. the fact that almost within 3 weeks i have almost completed act 1 is amazing, especially comparing it to the old version which ended up taking almost a full month.

And this new version has more things to it making it feel even better that i'm getting done in such a quick time while still keeping a certain level of quality!

But to show something that was made within this week (outside of even more balancing):

i went looking for a custom status menu script, and i found one that allows me to add a custom description to characters, so this way, you can tell what a character's weaknesses and resistances are (with new element graphics because my dumb ass f***ed up when originally assigning the icons to the elements YIPEE!!!!!):


This way, there is both a character description AND relevant info regarding how they work in battles. Everyone wins. (Character descriptions are always subjected to change, so don't expect this to be the one Plushtrap gets when the game releases)

And that will be it for this devlog. Little on the shorter side, i am aware, and i do apologies for that, because i may or may not has gotten obsessed with ring racer and its mods. I'll update everyone when act 1 is fully completed and fully playable, which will hopefully happen before next week's devlog, but only time will tell.

As always, see you on the flipside.



Next up

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 11

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 5

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 8

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 6

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.


Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 7

Yeah another FNaFb4 Fan Game, it's only a demo for now (yes i don't have a better image to use in this post)

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 2