Five Nights at F***boy's: Plushtrap's Misadventure

5 months ago

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 6

Greetings, and welcome back to another devlog.

This devolg doesn't have much in the content of news game wise, sense this week was focused on the remake of the facesets, which are all done but could be changed... again, and making plushtrap's voice files, which while not done as of now, has seen a great amount of progress. Hopefully they are done next week.

The rest of this week's time that wasn't focused on those two things was used to give slight updates to act 1's super boss, as well as some new grafics for the game being made, with the bigget was being a new cutscene being coded.

we are getting super close to fully completing act 1 with all of the voice, and full production of act 2 can finaly start.

With that said, thank you for reading this devlog, and i'll see you on the flipside.

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Next up

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 5

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 3

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 7

Cooking something cool

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 8

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"


Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 11

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 2