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Got some new additions and hopefully a new Windows build this weekend. Check it out and let me know what you think!
No new playable build this week, but here's a preview of a new powerup I'm testing! Think of it as a magnet. What do you think? Any ideas for powerups?
Just been working on some odds and ends. Next up? Cues for when someone has a powerup.
patched new version with keyboard controls
Some new Art in the level and other fun changes. Next major milestone is implementing the final feature, rotating levels. I got them working, but there's...bugs.
Added new ways for the player to know who has the ball, trying out a new scoreboard layout, and much more!
Bringing wall climbing back! Preview image here, and of course always check out "Chambers" for the original prototype with wall climbing.
pushing a new release, 2.2 that change the controls for keyboard for START = Return button and ATTACK = 'f' key. I hope to have a settings screen in a few weeks that'll give the player more control here.
New characters and intro sequence
The new artwork in action