Star Story

4 years ago


While testing Dyrt and fixing the last bugs, I'm trying to get the redo on Star Story done. Read article for details on what you see.

What you see here is the combat screen

  • The enemies are missing now. That's simply because I haven't scripted them yet. The combat engine is always the hardest thing to get right, so I decided to do this step by step.

  • For the time being I'll use the original arena pictures from the original game, so no dynamic arenas as in Dyrt(dot)NET. The most important reason is that Star Story had (contrary to Dyrt) be as close to the original as possible, and dynamic arenas would undermine this, especially given the way they were originally designed. The pictures are automatically stretched based on your screen settings. If this really leads to ugly stuff, the engine is set up in a way dynamic arenas are technically still possible and even easy to implement, and it should even be possible to use both options in the way this has been set up.

  • I doubled the size of the heroes' combatant sprites. The reason is that they turned out too small in Dyrt(dot)NET, but in Dyrt(dot)NET I realized this too late, and could not change that anymore without having to rewrite the entire combat engine. I didn't wanna let that happen again, so I took my measures right away this time. (modular programming for the win, I suppose)

  • Now Star Story has a bit of an awkward system, due to the game being more combat based and less exploration and scenario based than my other RPGs. This was a choice I made back then in order to make clear Star Story was really a title on its own. However loads of stuff got imported back to my other titles now.. figures... I have however set things up with the thought in mind that I should be able to reuse what I can for the redo on The Fairy Tale REVAMPED, and I plan to do Sixty-Three Fires Of Lung completely anew (that is, when it comes to code and script... The dungeons and artwork I have will just be transferred into the new project), and then I'll also reuse what I can. The original Love2D version of 63 will be disposed (GOOD RIDDANCE) after I got all the stuff I need from there.

  • Well seen the time gauge isn't there yet... That too will be implemented later. Everything in due time!

OFF-TOPIC: The works on Dyrt are going very well by the way, and although the game was so far behind schedule I had to set up a new schedule, now I'm getting ahead of that new schedule... Funny how things go eh?



Next up

Update for Star Story and a little announcement for Star Story II.

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson

Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?

Technobabble and a screenshot for #screenshotsaturday

Open alpha available on

Beta has been released

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....

BallPlay future

Just a random screenshot of the upcoming remake! I hope you like it #starstory #remake #rpg #freegame

Killing only brings you so far!