The next (and final) test build is ready to go!
-Saving is now active
-Improved many sprites (FF:ERM’s will be improved in a later build)
-Loading Screens re-added
-New handling of text (in most cases)
-Removed prototype battle
Title Screen:
-Added New Game button
-Added means to easily erase save data
-Proper Overworld added
-Changed active NPCs in Overworld
-Zones now trigger their respecive themes
-Added multiple lines to Possy (Bump into him to cue one up! Just don’t do it so rapidly…)
-Added Flipside Warp
-Changed controls (You now move with WASD. It was a requested change.)
-Save button now works! (It also lets you know when you use it)
-Changed diologue (and by that extent, the entire scene)
-Removed ?????? ?????
-Added prototype version of “Tier 1”
-Added two active warps
Party Creation:
-Added new characters to preview
-All visible/teased characters have animations
-Improved pathing and display of scenery (i.e. clouds)
-Enemy shots now have sound effects
-Boss spawn how has sound cue
-Enemies now explode upon death
-Player now explodes before crashing (also added to player 2, but not playtested)
That’s about it for what’s new. I hope you all enjoy the last Test Build!
‘Till next time! :3