A new update
Cycle #6 now completely done.
A bug refusing to update Banika’s stock based on the right cycle according is still there, and nothing in the script makes that possible, so I need to work that one out.
A false transporter spot in the Ruins of Y Anhysbys has been fixed, BUT, those who have a savegame past that point will still suffer a crash when they go to that specific spot UNLESS you start a new game / new game + then you will have this one fixed. I’m really sorry, but I cannot fix those savegames easily. If you have any other spot in these ruins, they should work normally.
After the weekend I’ll start on Cycle #7, and it’s very likely that is the final cycle requiring me some actual work. If that is so, the first “stable version” will come soon (providing I can get that bug I mentioned above fixed in time).