Hello, future players!
It's been a very productive week for me. If not for showing big Feud updates, for getting even more desire and drive to see this project make it over the finish line.
I've chosen all of the returning fighters for Feud that I want, and I settled on all of them. Am I revealing them now? Still no, sadly. I want to temper everyone's expectations: while the roster will still be enormous when all's said and done, I'll implement the ones on my list that I CAN reproduce within the confines of my current Unity skills. Some will be challenging to do, but I'm working on them just the same. If I learn new skills on that journey, I'll apply them, because why not? I have a ton of ideas on how to script and code most things, so no worries right now!
I did however fix one major bug: going from the Match to the Results Screen now works. I used to have bugs there, but now that's dealt with. All that's left is making transitions.
I've also redone from scratch how I work on particle effect spawning. Now, my spawner checks for instances that are already loaded. Say, two fighters are in the match, and both query for the Dashing effect: It will check if there are enough spawned and active copies of that particle object in the scene, and if so, it'll activate and use one. Otherwise, it spawns a fresh new one on the fly (only as needed) and then deactivates it. No more create+destroy calls or banking on there being enough available. Next up to apply this logic to fighter-specific particles!
I'm also going to work on spawning and de-spawning music tracks on the fly. I've figured out how to spawn addressable music objects, but when I change track then return to a previously loaded one, I get an error saying it's already loaded. I need to learn how to unload, then re-load.
Bottom line, I'm still as excited as when I first started developing this game as I ever was. :)