Dragon Dreams: A Taste of Adventure
9 months ago

V2.1.0 now available

Happy Spring, adventurers!

You could be forgiven for thinking this is an April Fools joke, considering I just recently did the big 2.0 update, so surely there's no need for another one... But no, this is real, the timing just worked out this way.

Version 2.1.0 is now available, and among some smaller things, it has:
- a new modifier
- some more lightning changes
- improved mini-map visibility
- and a few more small things.

Full patch notes, as always, are at the bottom of this post, and in a text file included with the game.

I hope you enjoy!

(Your virus scanner may detect the .exe as a virus, but please do not worry, it is not. I understand if you don't want to take the risk, but this is seemingly a common problem with Clickteam Fusion 2.5 projects.)

Happy adventuring!






- ADDED NEW MODIFIER: Extra Enemies (Adds more enemies to the world, for a harder experience)

- Changed Dash Boots to Swift boots, to avoid confusion with the separate Dash ability
- Changed Basic Key to Simple Key, to be consistent with later game(s)
- Made mini-map switch screen sides when you're roughly in its area
- Added slightly flashing backdrop to mini-map, to easier see unexplored sectors
- Slightly adjusted some enemy coin drop chances
- Stopped Frost magic from destroying Goblin Wizard barriers
- Increased spin speed of Barrier magic (for you and enemy)
- Made some more screens dark, or at least partially, to make light abilities more worthwhile
- Changed some more wall visuals, for variety ​

- Updated some incorrect weapon damage numbers in item/upgrade descriptions
- Re-updated an artifact description that I accidentally changed last patch
- Moved an enemy in A-5 to avoid risk of almost immediate damage when entering from below
- Moved you to center of boss area during pre and post boss fight with Extra Traps modifier on, to avoid trap damage ​​



Next up

Sept-Oct 2023 - Map 4 almost done!

New Demo Available NOW!

Aug 2023 - Map 3 Completed!

A Taste of Adventure goes "HD"!

The BIG v2.0 is here!

Dragon Dreams v1.3.0 - Extra Challenge Modifiers, & more!

Dragon Dreams v1.1.0 - New Modifier, & more!

Dragon Dreams v1.5.0 - Dash!