Point Origin : Servant to the Monster Lord

2 years ago

We are now nearing the end of March, and I come around with a mixed bag of news.

The Battle System UI is fully finished, and can now be used to render my ideas out, but when it comes to the coding aspect..

More down bellow.

The story of a dude who has no confidence in what he does.

It's no secret, by now, that I'm quite bad with release date. If anything, it was even my trademark back with SML.


And as we hit the end of March, I realize that the game I want to make is a tad.. Ambitious for a single person to make, to say the least.

The Reforged Battle System is finished.. In term of everything but coding.


Over the course of the past two weeks, since the flu came in to visit, I went ahead and designed the rest of the battle system.


By now, I can officially render a set of animations to showcase my vision of the game.


Thing is, as I attempted to go on ahead and add in the most basic lines of code to the whole system, it all went to crap as Unity wondered in what kind of obscure dialect I was attempting to communicate with it.


All if this had thus led me to the most frightening thought of them all. The reason why I was compelled to design everything down to the button before writing a single line of code. The reason why the shadow of the Vaporware still lingers over me.



Cbrainz (late) new year resolution : Learning to code. (In C#)

And so here we arrive. I have the greatest of pleasure to announce you that, yes. The whole battle system's game design, UI, Animations and Learning curve are all finished.


All of them are ready to be coded in. And all of them WILL be pre-rendered into an animation in order to showcase my vision for this game's battle system.


So yeah, the whole thing is ready for programming. Problem is? A few tutorials here and there about how to do stuff is simply not enough to bring my vision to life.


Because I have now realized that my battle system could be described as a Turn per Turn point'n click fighting game/JRPG thing. It's quite unique all things considered, and as you can see up above, there be a LOT of moving pieces to this horror show.


Hence why I am going to be in need of taking a proper course about programming in C# before I can go any further. Otherwise, things will quickly degenerate into chaos, frustration and most importantly, even more delay.

Which leads me to the final resolution I have decided to take in order to stop frustrating you boiz with all my failed releases. Because holy balls.

Point Origin : SotML is far from ready to launch, and I am clearly not great at planning release dates either.

From now on, I am not going to go on ahead and place release dates all willy nilly, because of the simple fact that I am quite bad at managing this project. (to say the least)


I am just one dude, who has never learned to do any of the stuff he is trying to do right now. At this point, the only thing I really have is a dream and ambitions.. And that's about it.

So I'll go on ahead and continue to work on myself as a Dev, growing the various skills I need to make this on my own, and update SotML on a continuous basis as I become better and better at the various crafts I need to learn. (Mostly coding and 2D animation at this point.)


It'll take a lot of work before I can produce the game I've been dreaming about with my fingers alone. But I'm afraid I'm too obsessed with the idea to give up at any point in the future.

So Yeah. I'll continue to post updates and keep showing you my progress on a two week per two week basis. I'll also go on ahead and do big updates over at Cz Studios on a monthly basis too.


But for now, Imma stop throwing my head in the clouds, and actually start growing the skills I need to learn to make this beast of a game.

I'll keep you posted about Genesis too, but for now I really want to focus on learning to code so, we'll see what I decide to do about it in the end.


So yeah. See ya in two weeks. (Maybe I'll actually become a coding god and one shot the entire game until then for all we know)



Next up

Box Breaker, Food Munchers, and someone with a brain that's getting bigger.

Here be the biweekly update, and here be something you can also play with if you're interested also!

Alright, it's been a while since the last "True" update, and i wanted to give you a little update on where things stand at the moment.

And so he hits the end of the first pathway. And you know what? He even made a mini game at the end! How joyous.

See you in roughly two weeks for the next update!

Ball-o-Bot mini-game :…

V 0.4.0 - Player Control and Data type Systems update

A hell of my own making, and a deadline hit. I most certainly have gone insane this time around.

So apparently Unity's CEO decided to start taxing us Peasants. Here's what it means for SotML and even CZ Studios's beginning in general

Devlog #Alpha : 14/01/2025 : Hitting walls, Learning and Adapting

With the advent of the new year, we now go back on what happened these past few months, and the many technical issues i ended up colliding with while moving into Unity itself.

Alright my boiz, it's been longer than i had anticipated because a few things happened :

1. I have finished my coding courses.

2. I have been actively working on the Game prototype, and managed to make roughly half of it.

So see you soon with a build!

It has now been a little more than two weeks, and I have nothing much to show right now. So far, my courses on Unity are going well, and am learning what I need to learn.

Almost done with the basics, soon moving to more intermediary stuff. More bellow.

I have to say, there is no feeling like finally becoming capable of designing the game of your dreams. It's both strange, beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

Time for an update on how the prototype is going.

Happy 2024 , and an explanation onto what has been happening over the course of the past 2 months or so.