Two updates for today:
First, we’ve changed our evolve mechanic. The old system involved teleporting to a shrine area and paying for a random-ish evolve, which drew from a pool of potential parts. Players told us that this wasn’t their favorite.
Our new system removes the shrine, and lets you evolve the exact part you want. Here’s what it looks like:

Parts are also clearly labeled with their stat bonuses, so you’ll know whether you’re improving or simply making a cosmetic change.
If you’d like to try it out, just play our demo. Both the PC version and WebGL have been updated to the new system.
The final change to evolves — not yet implemented — will be allowing players to customize their creature colors.
As for our other news: we’ve made good progress on the game content.
Draft versions of all game levels and bosses are now complete. This puts us in range of setting a release date, which we’ll do in late spring.

That’s it for today. Thanks for your continuing support, and please share our page with a friend!