I can fix her

1 month ago

Working on a game where you're stuck in a time-loop with your girlfriend. I present you: Leaven, the protagonist!

This one will be a short passion project of mine where I only use a two shades of black and white, two protagonists, and two options, whether you save yourself or save your girlfriend!

Damn we're not gonna talk about where I've been for the past 25 days. ;D

Check out the game here: I can fix her



Next up

I Drew Saga from Into Draconia!

An RPG Maker game by @ninesoulssea , they make good games!

RMV Tutorial #02: RTP Scenery/Landscapes

Check article for Tutorial info!

A long and winding adventure awaits you...

Devlog #04 // Check article for more info.

We're giving out War Thunder starter pack keys!

Comment on this post to request yours!

Learn more (including how to redeem the codes if you get one) 🔽

A DEMO for Silent Knight is out NOW! Try it out!

Check article for more info.

The eighth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @hiberd !

Enter by completing this quest:

We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯

Thank you for trying out the DEMO for Silent Knight!

Devlog #06 // Check article for more info.

RMV Tutorial #03: RTP Interior/Rooms (SF Edition)

Check article for Tutorial info!

Skye the Bunny is on a desperate search for her lost brother, Claudio… but she’s not alone in the dark.

🐰The Bunny Graveyard II launches next year!

GAME JAM STARTS, the THEME for this jam is...


Madly inlove, to the point where things get crazy.

Check article for more info.