Hello Neighbor
Post about Hello Neighbor!


UPDATE 1: Outside of house is finished sorry if the lighting is bad I'm gonna fix it soon.


A smaller update is here

Real terrain 

Complete backyard

Dynamic Sounds

Working Hammer and Boards

New/Moved assets

Final Skybox



The 3rd Threshold is finally done so here's what's new

Functioning keys and locks

A final layout for the first floor

New terrain changes

Final assets for house

Patched Closets

Player house

Window's have been patched

new color

I'm learning ue4 based on hello neighbor mod kit.
Imported some of my assets, and also created a board texture

I now finished the house for the demo version, 1 month and i realese it, thanks for everyone support.

Update on RBO, HN2ACC articles and plans

Обновление RBO, ХН2ВВК статей, а также планы

#HelloNeighborFranchisePath #HelloNeighbor