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BOO i got this horrorific skin about the halloween challenge in Brawl Stars!!!


BOO yo obtuve esta skin horrorifica sobre un desafío de halloween en Brawl Stars!!!

The Last Joke: Mandy

As I said, today I was going to work a little on Mandy, for now I will not waste time with Brawlers that will not be relevant in the first chapter

#IndieComic #BrawlStars #Brawler #Mandy #Candy #Zombies

For me this brawler is amazing obviusly i drew him, why not?

[Leon ]


  The courage of an American grandfather is a free Beat 'em up game with modern graphic and feel of classic games like streets of rage and final fight. #action #fight #brawl #brawler #beat_em_up #streets_of_rage #final_fight

  The courage of an American grandfather is a free Beat 'em up game with modern graphic and feel of classic games like streets of rage and final fight. #Action #beatemup #streets_of_rage #final_fight #brawler