

Getting all of the Loot in Horde of Viscount can be difficult. Here's a minimalist guide to get everything in Crimson Cove on Heat 0! #hordeofviscount #ActionRPG #retrogaming #gameboy #metroidvania


Stuck on a stage? Just join the Horde of Viscount Discord and ask! We also have events where the viewers participate! In the meantime, here is a guide for Mushroom Cloud pm Heat 1 All Loot

#actionrpg #metroidvania #retrogaming


Opening this month with working towards the final stretch of finishing Horde of Viscount. In celebration here's a speedrun of Mushroom Cloud on Heat 1 for the Any% category: Loot: 0, Time: 13, Damage: 2, Subweapons: 6

#metroidvania #actionrpg

What is this The first few screenshots of the demo of "Your Average RPG Maker Game"!?!? Count me in.