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RUS: Давайте проведём мини-голосование для всех(+ для выполнения квеста на голосование).У кого лучший мерч по FNAF: Funko или Youtooz?

ENG: Let's have a mini-vote for everyone(+ to complete the voting quest). Who has the best FNAF merch: Funko or Youtooz?

  3 votes Voting finished

"Oh I never heard of bsd before-" uhm yes you have !! 🤓

#BungoStrayDogs #Bsd #VA #VoiceActors #voiceactors #EnglishVA #Cast

Hello people again, I don't see much support for this game (I still plan to finish it), what content do you want me to upload to improve my games or fangames?


#Poll #Cast #Vote #IndieGame #GameDev #IndieDev

  8 votes Voting finished

The Undertale Cast!
I Have Worked hard on finishing it, but it's here!
Would you want so see the Deltarune cast?
#undertale #cast #toriel #sans #surface #TwT

  23 votes Voting finished