
Game Dev
Programming (non-Game Dev)
Kerbal Space Program

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#devlog 19

More behind the scenes stuff, especially to the entity framework and how it handles projectiles

Today's Progress:

{Added PLACEHOLDER Stungun}
{Modified Entity Framework}

#gamedev #unity3d #indie #programming #horror #scifi #wip

Looking for coders! If you want to join the team here is my contact:troopyloopyofficial

#programming #help #wanted


Hey all!

In case you haven't seen, here is the trailer for OMORI GR2 DEMO RECREATION that Boss Door made!

We highly encourage you to watch the OMORI Direct, and also play the game if you have the chance to.


I made a level for my game with csg nodes in #godot and it's so good.

#game #gamedev #code #programming #gdscript #coding #leveldesign #design