3dprinting in 3D Art
Small hoses, pumps, control wire, and wind shield added. Just needs the flexible tube that weaves through the sight.
WIP Fallout T51b Power Armor Helmet
WIP Master Sword needs more rework, sanded and repainted. It has become far too hot to paint though.
I did say I would have another update. I've added the lens on the flip down scope. It's made with a magnifying lens.
WIP Fallout T51b Power Armor Helmet
Trying to cover the seams without impeding the light. Anything thick will show even under the paint. It’s the effect I wanted though.
WIP - Black Panther
(Video) Kano - Mortal Kombat 11
Eye is held on with spirit gum and coin cell powered.
(Since I clearly am not built like Kano, I thought about adding a silicon muscle shirt.)
(Pics) Kano - Mortal Kombat 11
Eye is held on with spirit gum and coin cell powered.
Since I clearly am not built like Kano, I thought about adding a silicon muscle shirt.
Kano’s “Fisherman’s Friend” knives are ready! The whole ensemble posts soon.
(Video) WIP Fallout T51b Power Armor Helmet
The corrugated hoses are real rubber used for Scuba BCs.
More to come.
WIP T-51b Power Armor Helm
Next up, flip down lens, inner hoses, pumps, and main lens.
This was our first 3D printer. @ArtsyFartsyTiffy and I built it together. After 6 years, 2 control boards, new rods, a servo or 4, a whole lot of belt, and 25 miles of filament we have a cracked frame. Rather than repair, we have upgraded to a new Ender!