All Posts in The ADHD community

This can be therapy.




So, my Uncle William is in a mental hospital again because he went crazy and shit so it'll be like irdfk 2 days i think. So yeah. - Anna

Sharing a Few WIP Cosplays I’ve been doing but forgot to share!

(In Order):

Father Garcia (Faith)

TV Head (No established fandom)

Happy 10th birthday, FNaF.

Edit made at 3:36 AM; Prob 60+ pics


Damn stop growing up on me


Shit meaning she'll be a freshman. FUCK

gUh iDk iF i ShOulD cOntiNuE “StoryTime” cuz I sorta—

Actually nvm I remembered I just forgot :’)

*AHEM* anYwAy ShOulD i CoNtiNue oR mAkE a NeW oNe?

Poll will be involved so CHOOSE DANG IT— jk jk ya dont have to if u want lol

  17 votes Voting finished

Gonna take a break for my mental health the rest of day. I don't feel like Myself.