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Rate Dandadan (the 2024 Anime Adaptation)?

  87 votes Voting finished

Did you get the "Repaired the Joltiday Orb" Trophy?

  177 votes Voting finished

Comment: What is your favorite Anime Protagonist between the years 2000-2024?

Did i forget Mad Father (Game here:, well, i would easily recommend it. Very Popular, Very Good, Very Dark, Very... 11/10, no, 12/10.

I've recently played Ravensburg (Game here: and i know, it is great. It is made by the same creator of The Voyage Sinister (Game here:



Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)

Super Mario has taken some drugs.


Super Robot Wars for the Gameboy, because why not?


If someone would make me a RPG Maker MV Tileset for free...

Wait a minute, is this Minecraft? Or is it RPG Maker MV?

This is basically any other RPG Maker developer when comes to making original music, white they often use default ost, while i use my own, but i am not the absolute best developer on this website.

I am adding even more music to my game.