All Posts in Artfight!

Post your attacks here!



I've drawn so much this month ;-;

Almost my birthday too

666 lul

6 Attacks, 6 Friendly Fire, 6 Defenses & more to come ^^

ArtFight2024 Maeve by @Neonismm

Ngl drawing the spider web outfit was a lot of fun lul the accessories are based of water drops because spiders like to wear those as hats ^^ was planning to add more but ended up not doing that

ArtFight2024 Birthday and Cupcake by @LightningXLM

A Tattletail Fan Attack me and I Revenged by drawing two of there characters as Tattletail's because me as a Tattletail Fan myself just had to lul

I'm so happy to see people still like the game ^^

ArtFight2024 Wendy Wool by @FoxGuyFoxtail

My 10th Attack ^^

Not often I can make the LineArt this light in color
normaly I gotten darken it a lot =w=

I'm running out of creative titles for these

ArtFight2024 Andrei by @zephyr_draws

I like clowns lul
At least the ones with a little bit of style

I should have gone back in with some light but eh I didn't see that before. also Looks good without so it's not so needed ^^

ArtFight2024 Xatzyie RubyFire by @KivBunny

I Revenge myself! with a Dragon that looks like a cat.. because guess who has no idea how to draw dragons XD so yeah I drew this a bit different then normally but feel like I finally learned how to draw like this

ArtFight2024 Michael Darkioro Mayonnaise by @MichaelMayonnaise

This took long, mainly the cave though. but hey I feel pretty good with this.
Only going to upload the ArtFight version at first before uploading the background and sketch.