All Posts in The little Goat Club

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Full Gamer war map

Sanidaraco Island

3D "Pawn" with scenic lighting

Call him traitor all you want, you can't deny the fact that this boi is a bean.

Yeah i quit Gamejolt.

There is so much drama everyday and is boring, nothing happens here

so yeah see ya.

Also for my friend on gamejolt or if you want to be my friend here my discord name:


Well see ya, it was fun staying here.

i want to say is who wants to read this story from my friend its really good i really want all of you to check it out ^w^


Well, i meant to do something else but made this instead.

It is an old OC that was based off a mini-game in Klepto Cats.

Kit has had no specified breed until now.
He is a Calico.

...huh. Didn't thought i'd gain that much in some months but thanks i guess. Not gonna lie, i'm wondering if my stuff were the posts getting attention or was it because of those unrelated announcement like Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom--


【G】【A】【C】【H】【A】   【C】【L】【U】【B】

Why hello there. I'd love to make this my banner but it doesn't respect the size and all so...f.

Thank you @HighStars for drawing these ^w^