Music/Covers in Crystalized_Lunar Community Stuff

Share whatever :)

Y'know my first post ever on this site?
It's terrible
So I'm remaking it yippeeeee
I somehow just got a huge boost of motivation ever since I woke up today so expect the remake coming soon!!

The old Crystal Files stuff comes back to haunt me..
This will not be an actual cover
This is just for the funny lol
No, but seriously, I keep getting haunted by the old chromatics with only "ah" "e" and "oh"

Hotel except i was bored FLP

Undertale - Hotel (Fl Studio Recreation) (+FLP)
описание не придумалFLP + Soundfonts (Отмечайте, если используете / Credit if you use) :

Fallen down except i was bored FLP

Undertale - Fallen Down (Recreation & FLP)
*FLP -*Original by Toby Fox*Audio may be a bit choppy in the video sorry...