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My brother's account GhostyUwu was banned for nsfw. However when I try logging into my own account: "JoshLovesUndertale" it says I'm banned.

plz,unban me , I was ready to sign up for a new account, and then it became like this again when I started logging in.....

need unban name: krias

Hello, first of all I want to say that the truth is I don't know what I did, I don't know if I did spam... I have no idea what I did, but one day the game closed and when I tried to enter it told me that I was bannedplease forgive me for what i have done

My LITTLE BROTHER got me ip banned in his account Erenchu, I didn't do anything wrong, plus he just went to that school place and then a bug happened that he definetly didn't do anything to cause, this is so unfair please unban me??

Username: Yuukarichu

Last time ı checked my ban it said no reason,now it says stat manipulation.I dont know why this happened but if ı did something bad ım sorry ı will never do it again. Please,unban me this game is the only game ı love to play. USERNAME:JustAPurpleDude

unban me pls i idk my reason im love your game i a old guy in game i make a bad joke....offended you sorry nick.JN345TO

hello i get banned for what reasson unban me pls i love your game i not making nothing plsssss this is my game number one nick: JN345TO

Hello, DF Admins, my username is anyname I was banned two times for 1)Spam and 2)Toxic Behavior (as you can see in the picture), and it has been 2 years, I have grown a backbone and I am now mature. Please forgive me, DF Admins.

This is like the first god damn time im gonna speak here, aight, quick request / explanation, I got banned like a few months ago by ´´ban evasion´´ when i did not do anything, can i please be unbanned.

I got banned off from the Discord server for no reason at all. I definitely didn't do anything wrong so I'd like an explanation on why I was banned without any warning or anything. Thanks. My Discord user is: SteveeWasTaken#5134