Suggestions in DONTFORGET

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Post your ideas about how the game can be improved here!

(Creating polls won't influence our decision, however, you're free to do so if you wish to see how many people agree with your idea.)

It's been said before but there's still time, more expressive animated sprites hell just make em move a bit instead of being still, oh and maybe make them colored, or pull a Tsunderswap and just give em flavor

I dont know if this is good or not but i had an idea for 2.8.0, with seeing the new genocide changes a thought came into mind what if once you eradicate an area you get like an alt costume, this simply being like a shadow over the eyes or something.

I'll be brief, gold/yellow color and sound for critical attacks from weapons with more than one reticle.

Like the example you will see below:

being able to fight corruptions you've beaten as an option at GonerClam, i really wanna fight corruptions but I cannot as I have every partner already