Approved Appeals in DONTFORGET

Share your creations!

If your appeal has been moved to this channel, then that means your appeal has been APPROVED!

You should now be able to log into the game again. If you have any follow-up questions, or if you're unable to login, post a reply on your original appeal post.

Hello, my name is nick but you can call me sky some months ago i felt curious and started playing with cheat engine, this post is bc i wanted to get back to play with my friends. i wont do it again and i dont mind having my data wiped, im sorry thx

sanstheskeletonbugfix, charakrisfrisk are my little brothers usernames

my username is Neroza

i am [19] and my little brother [14]

i can give even my number if you want to know more i really need the accounts and ip unbanned

So I tried joining the discord server, and immediately got banned because I had my vpn on. What am I supposed to do about that?

hello, my account has been banned, if I did something wrong I swear it wasn't intentional, it simply was a misunderstanding between me and another player, I won't repeat my mistake again and sorry if I offended somebody, my account is: magick4