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Dear RickyG,Devs If you are reading this im sorry for swearing in your game,i regret doing all that,Sorry for the mistakes i made in your game.I promise that will not do these things ever again. Please unban my device and acc.


Alright... once more. METTATONHATER2. So, as you've probably seen on my past appeal... i was banned from DF due to "Slurs". Assuming i did this (Again), i have come to give my sincere apologies and promise not to do this once again.

I have been banned simply for using exagear instead of a PC, I used exagear since I don't have a PC but for some reason all the accounts I create get banned as soon as I try to login

Accounts: nicomago51, nicomago52

hello i got banned for 27 years for hacking i did hack but i didnt mean any harm my account name is my username pls unban me i wont do it again i thought it did say that if you mean no harm its ok

Hello, well what happens is that 1 or 2 years ago my account was banned, because my younger brother hacked the statistics of his account, I was also banned for that reason, I not use hacks, I know, it sounds stupid.

My username: Kaisen

Hola, me explico, entré a una cuenta que fue hackeada por un amigo, y me banearon por "evasión de ban", no soy hacker, pido disculpas si algo fue prohibido, espero que me puedan dar una segunda oportunidad. . , mi nombre de usuario es "ZANTIAGO006"

Hello, i have made a new account to play with my friends and it goes by the name of "silavet" but i got banned with no reason as soon as i made the account!

can i get a ban appeal?


username: silavet

heya i seem to have been banned and im not sure why. username: Monstrocity

user:Sharking ban T3

I did not cheat I used many times 9000 Gold drinks in the afternoon I used 8 drinks in the afternoon to get 10 partners in the relics I GT tickets are accumulated slowly in front of all the partners when they are almost all used.

Hello, My user name is puppy101555555, I got banned for spamming, it was orignaly a tier one but then it got upted to a perma 3 tier ban, i am very sorry and i promise i will never do it again.