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I tried hacking my hp(just to see if i can), but it didn't work and i recieved a ban.I'm sorry for what i've done. Can you please unblock my account? It won't happen again.

Hey...i got falsely banned. I wasnt playing the game for months and i only "played" a few days ago to wait for a friend at ruin's first savepoint. I have played the game for long and i tried to respect the rules the best i could... please unban me.


Just tried to log in my account to see I got a false ban. Please fix it.

Hello DF team. I just opened my account and found that I got a false ban.

Username: CelinaStar

so, i just stopped playing undertale disbelief and i wanted to log in with my account and it just popped that im banned for "cheating". and i guess that is tier 3, (cuz i readed)

idk what just happened is the disbelief mod a cheat?

DFC User: Deimos64

Somehow got another false ban

im very disappointed

dfc user: SomeGuy64

I'm just gonna retype what i said in the previous appeal cus it seems outdated (in the replies)

also happy new year staff

dfc username: someguy64

I woke up and got another false ban


please im a very respectful and nice guy in dfc and i have never done anything stupid in this game. I swear i want to come back to this game before the big update

so uhhh
i will try to explain this
i was sleeping like normal
i woke up the next day
Boom banned
if one of you can unban me well i hope so this is my user:

i will wait:)

Hello, I just opened my account and when i tried to login i was immideately permanently banned for some reason. Thanks for your time.
Username: outwardwet