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Bad words :(

3 warns

user reported: gdcffffff
this should be enough proof.



This is now the third one. HACKING!!!, I didn't record from the start (full gameplay no edits)

username: wkjdka

ID: 3769014

There's a lancer running around in Grillbys called TheLandimizer saying he's a admin but Idk if he's lying or not. I got a photo. He also has pink typing text. His ID is 403301. Please check if he's a hacker asap and thx 4 reading

Toxic Girl? Boy? I dont know but its toxic
Edit: She call me p*ssy :(
Edit 2: This F*ck boy is only a "nickname" for agol but she/he change his nickname into agol

I think i found a bug, when I log out or exit the game, the progress is now just gone for some reason, my username is tygamer555, and I used to have 65 spares (I don’t remember the spare count)

User reported: Lingyi444
spamming "so cool"



guys I meet another hacker.


ID : 2835286

reason : HP hack to 99999/99