Share your creations!

you can't do this right?

translation: can i touch one of your t1ts?

username: M-chan (ID if necessary: 3812444)

usename: xswlxpx

ID: 3806754

reason: Lv 2147483647



Not exactly an idea, but I couldn't find any "bug reports" channel. There's a bug that makes the artwork in my undernet profile just dissapear randomly. I've had to redo the artwork at least three times.

not too much ik

Help...Karam in other account bully and scaring me...
Edit: Im still updating this ;-;
Edit from Fargo (Brother Cargo): I was need to go there an tell this karam to leave my brother alone.

I thought this could be a bug, but I checked other profiles and their partner level looks just fine.

so uhhh, does this count as a report?


Gamejolt and DFC:Kris_the_player

he stoled my art and after I commented why u stoled it he deleted the post

Please do something, I can show proofs about art I did