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So i was quitting the game and while i was pressing ESC
and no other button. the game did a encounter sound and made me go to an encounter before i quit the game.
So basically (i guess) pressing any key counts as moving ingame.

Hello admins im here to report a guy who spams after many warning.


Bro, its just me or he is hacking?

Cuz his id is new.

so i corrected him and he call me this so yeah i dont really know how to react. username: Theolebg555

proof for previous reports (bottom to top)

I've been going through hard shit. palastine bombs us, and people here in DF things we are, its terrible, they swapped the names of israel and palastine. it hurt me, my friends live on the edge, they almost get bombed once a month, please help.

yeah so i havent played this game for a while and i cant enter the delta door neither can i collect the pieces for it (had collected them before and opened the door)

username jhawdga2


Spam Character