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Minor Bug Report.


I think the gold grind room saves are bugged, this person claimed to have saved in hotland gold grind but spawned in true lab.
a similar thing happened to me where i saved in dark world gold grind and spawned in card castle prison room.

if you run up to one of these dodging areas and emote at the right moment, you get stuck until you close the game

Bug: the EN effect appears even when you have full EN (the heart outline and noise)

Welp there a little white weird

Tem village and snowdin maybe

DFC v2.8.0 released?????


I am using the new version and yet this is happening.

What is going on?

went back to the library to see if the people i reported got banned, they didn't, and then i saw this

I can't change the soul color on the new update, when i go to change the soul color menu and click on any soul color the game just crashes. Plz fix this