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Username:asyfa & sakurawzqx

Now this is how long type in local chat


This is uh bug/gltich in chat.

Edit:also global chat too btw


how can they do that?

too many things to report...


I feel insulted(like photo 2)

just because i say they are spamming(like photo 1)


He (Karamgaster123) is Harrasing me, Agol and Cooolname also he is stalking my friend KITTY95, She just left because she was have enough

Not very fun

Username: Shavix

Apparently my Daily Quests haven't refreshed since the last patch, though I solemnly believe, that it was more than 24 hours and they should have, by this time.

BUG: Ok so I was fighting Rudinn or whatever his name is (I was one hit away from a game over) and the frame the attack was suppose to end, one of his projectiles hit me. The game got so confused that it just gave me a black screen.

Suddenly most of my progress got erased after quitting the game. The only evidence I have is the WEAPON and ARMOR that I shouldn't have at this level. I doubt that it can be restored without gaining those levels again, but I wish I knew what happened.