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He was rlly toxic I think he was having a bad day or smth but ye

Theres a glich about ip bans you see it does ban every device that has the same ip adress pls move this ip bans its annoying and i miss multiplayer ):

guh??? kinda sus ngl, i could be wrong

What Just Happened To All My Save Data!?
Now I Will Stock Up 5500G And Purchase The Vessels All Over Again! And Befriend And Level Up Again!

This there no way that was fast lv up for exp

i cant join bc idk why i cant pls fix this

Against The rule book at all?

idk if this is enough to say they were spamming but here

username: epicfrog

he bragged about hating black annoying people and stuff

guys the bug of eveyrtime you put music is still here

please fix that

i cant show a pic of that beacaause it closed and ya know

so please fix that

with DARKNESS -Ender