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I know, you guys are trying yout best to fix this but...*sigh* EVERYONE ON GRILLBYS WAS KICKED (i know that cause i was the last one that was kicked) just 29 29 PEOPLE. and this was before i get kicked IDK HOW MUCH IS NOW.

edit: Sorry if i was rude.

name: BanCiprianiEren
reason: hacking

Um hey everyone

im just asking if i can actually like report people for like

Not doing The Deal with me

i mean like someone owes me like some money for something

but they escaped and like shit

im just asking if i can report them

i have evidence SS thanks!

Im having an issue, i have been told that to play multiplayer in mobile, i have to play multiplayer once in pc, i logged in my account in pc, read info board, and claimed a daily gift, then i quitted, i returned to my phone,- ( article )

Niko’s description on the darknet still shows he has no costumes, just letting you know!

Hello! I just want to report about a bug that when I log in on my mobile device. Please read the article.

nootnoot64 is hacker Uses speed cheat and wall pass cheat

I found a bug where you can get the Starwalker daily quest in offline mode

Their RGB nickname is all at 0 to hide their username and ID, I still have full screenshots of it, being quite of a jerk towards me

yiik bug showing chara as chat sprite instead of yiik
(found by WolfNeon395)