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BUG: I play with a friend in a party, but he doesn’t get anything (just +0 gold), but I get experience and gold. He plays on the phone, I play on the PC.

Having no Partner while in Offline Mode still causes their water overlay to appear behind you while walking through water.

error as a partner (havent tested with other ones) can end up a little bit below the player here just onto the conveyor belt.

this is small and wouldnt need a fix to be honest since you have to look hard for this

A Ness spamming on chat

Reason: Said n word multiple times
ps:sorry if this was not much thing.

I think I got banned. my name is goldenyeetus please unban me it was only a joke. I even said that I wont do it again please.

i dont even need to say anything i think

This guy is hecker,please admin banned him.

translate:who said it couldn't be changed?

I changed it to the one in parentheses

I may be misunderstanding the guy, but this is a bit suspicious to say, and so considering the EULA, I'll just post in case.

Censored one letter of it but it's honestly obvious as to what is being sad

If needed I'll just give the uncensored version