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hello ım efeyimben and I want to report a user named wertrok for bullying me and swearing at my mother for two days, here is the evidence.



Another bug report: While equipping the Varik vessel, and Kris as a partner, then using their dark world costume, emoting will result in Kris spinning, then stopping. (once)

I can't provide a picture of this, but sometimes (as a pacifist) when the game tries to start a battle, the game pauses for like 20 seconds and then the icon disappears without a battle starting and then I can walk around but can't interact with anything

BUG REPORT: In the global chat, after typing "/freegold", pressing the space key a couple of times will move other messages up! Pressing another key moves it back down, can you please fix this? I am sorry for not having evidence, thank you for listening.

rule 8

Hey um can somebody help me? I'm using my passwords but the game Said they are incorrect so what password of should i use?

Come the heck on,really???

(N-word bypass)

Ok i don't know if this is just a bug or the creator messing with me but every time i come across a disgusted Wosha i can pet him without doing the other two options first, i know this isn't a report but i just wanted to get that off my chest

rule 8 again

(screenshots by cheese lol)