General ๐Ÿ’– in Femboy Factory ๐Ÿ’–

Share your creations!

Took these pics just now :3

Oh, and you are indeed seeing a warning for the first image. Some people aren't comfortable with seeing femboy pics, soooo I'ma be using that warning from now on.

Imma just say this, I kind of like the visuals/art style in the OG Benny The Clown Circus World. Same with some other old fangames like this game, I think sometimes not so good graphics can actually enhance a game.

I still find it incredible how the #GJAsks poll I made some days ago got a 50/50 with 117 votes

Yknow what nvm imma stay :3

Sorry for the inconvenience (,โ€™._. )

FRIDAY (art is by me :3