show_off_your_art in Game Dev_onian
After So Much Work, So Much work. Quality Control sent this back twice Just to ensure absolute Satisfaction. Please don't hesitate to read the Developer log at itch. I hope you can appreciate the Effort!
Just a Little Teaser Before I release. The Asset Pack will be in the stores by the end of the day. There is a whole bunch more to this pack.... I have spent Great effort and Many Hours engineering this pack... Keep your Eye Ball Open for the Release.
Well It is almost Ready. Now i am Creating several Texture packs to go along with it. Trim Sheet for the Walls. Seamless, Snappable, A WHOLE bunch of Work and Hours went into the creation of these assets. Let me Now What you think? What Colors work well?
Sorry i had to take a break on the bridge for a couple days it was getting relentless. So I took a break and did this instead.
This is IN-Progress stilllll but ready for textures.... Hunted House Main Floor Pack.....
Pier One of the old wooden bridge set but this is only an alpha texture so far.