OCs in Artists & Writers

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Sorry I didn't feel like drawing anything for the Joltober themes today...

Today theme was #Demon and most of my OC's are Monsters not Demons anyway (I know some friends of mine have Demon OC's but still..)

Still don't feel like doing anything..


Buffos finds a trident

2 new ocs (total new ocs today : 4)

meet Baoh and Liquos’s childhood friends : Tess (Baoh’s childhood friend) and Ocean (Liquos’s childhood friend)

Day 19: Rebekah as a Monster


New OC: Robert Svenski

Age: 29

Job: a serial killer/ bounty hunter

Original country: Russia

Fun fact: his face is his mask.

''imperfect hatred''

haterd dyno ver

unlike the normal one it atleast has skin

or well

a bit

a new oc again

meet Bullos’s evil father (and also Snalky’s evil godfather) Cybull

She just has to adjust,, || (TADC X Boxzee) Mini-comic

Vent,,? || (Doodle) #Monster

here’s a new oc

meet Snalky and Oxser’s cousin, Bullos

his father (which is also Snalky’s godfather) is an evil cyborg that works for Vreg (which is because they removed all of his memories)