All Posts in Godzilla

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Should I make a Godzilla novel? (On Google Docs btw)

Red v.s Mortha & Arch for @loloitty , you’re welcome.

I own everything but them

Arch(by TJGVideos/@EighthSea

Mortha(by Shinichiro

Red(idk but I’ll credit them.

What app I use - IbisPaint

What tools I use - iPad and Fingers

Edit: add one more image.

New stuff for my Godzilla collection



Should I Watch every Godzilla movie I have


madness of god


Memes from my phone 145

Shimo as a weird axolotl thing hybrid

Shimo is basically a giant frozen pissed off axolotl. And godzilla is a lizard that swallowed a glowstick. So basically axototl vs lizard goes brrrrr