general in hare_dares mob of cool ppl

Hare_dare's mob of cool ppl

Drew some kinda scene guy idk

Also thx @Ezekiel_XD for the little pen thingy that I may or may not have copied ._.

Chat Halloween is almost upon us!

Happy spoopy month

Good morninnn

Gojo contacts!

#GJAsks Hmmm, I wonder???


I found these two relics here my friends

#protecthare_dare this shit gotta end soon bro, @hare_dare is valid and does NOT deserve this crap

#protecthare_dare, cuz people are being rude, intrusive and incomprehensible to them for some reason. I would be driven to madness if this happened to me, and I'm on @hare_dare 's side through and through.

Did some research :)

And I am more and more believing I have age regression :((


my SMMWE phase